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Frequently asked questions

This advice refers to US participants only, Irish citizens who wish to avail of the provisions of the Working Holiday Agreement to travel to the US should consult the websites of the US Embassy in Dublin and/or the US Department of State.

What type of “post secondary education” must I be engaged in / have graduated from in order to be eligible for the programme?

I am studying for / have recently graduated with a professional qualification (e.g. nursing, accountancy etc), am I eligible to participate in the programme?

I am a US citizen currently studying outside the US, am I eligible to participate in the programme?

I am in high school, am I eligible to participate in the programme?

I have graduated from high school within the last 12 months but am not currently in full-time education, am I eligible to participate in the programme?

How is the date of graduation defined?

My course of study requires me to do an internship / professional training (in the USA or overseas). Can I avail of the Working Holiday Authorisation (WHA) programme to do allow me to do this In Ireland?

Is there an age limit for participation?

Do I need to have confirmed employment when I apply for a Working Holiday Authorisation (WHA) / in advance of my arrival in Ireland?

Are there any limitations on the type of employment I can take up once in Ireland?

Are there any limits on the number of hours I can work per day/week/month whilst in Ireland under the Working Holiday Authorisation (WHA)?

I would like to undertake a full time degree programme lasting more than 90 days in Ireland, can I avail of the Working Holiday Authorisation (WHA) to do this?

How long is the Working Holiday Authorisation (WHA) valid for? Is there a deadline by which I must use it?

Can I extend the 12 month duration of my Working Holiday Authorisation (WHA)?

I am already in Ireland / I am in a hurry to get to Ireland, can I enter Ireland under the Visa Waiver Programme or on a visa and have my Working Holiday Authorisation forwarded to me in Ireland? Can I change my immigration status after entering Ireland?

May I avail of the Working Holiday Authorisation (WHA) programme more than once?

If I am granted a Working Holiday Authorisation (WHA) do I also need to apply for a visa / employment permit / other document?

Why do I need to show evidence of health insurance?

What type of medical insurance is required?

I plan on travelling in Europe before/after my stay in Ireland – do I have to have return airline tickets directly from US to/from Ireland?

It is not possible to purchase a return flight ticket as my intended return date is too far away.