The Embassy of Ireland in Rabat provides Consular Services to Irish Citizens. Visa processing services for the present, will continue to be provided by our Honorary Consulates in Agadir and Casablanca, who also provide local consular assistance. The Embassy continues to operate out of temporary premises and does not have a public office. Consular visits can be arranged by prior appointment when required. The Embassy can be contacted at +212 530 134 083 or in an emergency situation at +212 666 933 599.
Diplomatic and Consular Information for Morocco
Embassy of Ireland,Rabat Mahaj Ryad Centre,
Avenue Attine Bâtiment 8,
Hay Ryad,
Morocco Honorary Consul
AgadirMohammed Chafik Mahfoud Filali
Honorary Consul of Ireland
Hotel Kenzi Europa
Boulevard du 20 Aoút
BP. 808,Agadir
Tel. + 212 5 2882 1212
Fax + 212 5 2882 3435
E-mail: chafik.mahfoud@honoraryconsul.ieE-mail(secretary): CasablancaGhali BennaniHonorary Consul of Ireland
57, Bd Abdelmoumen
Rue Salim Cherkkaoui,
Résidence Al Hadi B20,
5ème étage
Tel. + 212 5 2227 2721
Fax + 212 5 2220 4265
E-mail: ghali.bennani@honoraryconsul.ieE-mail: