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Please be advised that the Consulate General of Ireland, Sydney website has moved and this page is no longer being updated. The Consulate website is now available at


There is one thing that the world knows of Ireland: it is a land of stories and storytellers.

The isle’s fabled history and rich artistic traditions attest to a reverence for words. In turn, the Irish diaspora has spread far and wide, taking root in that other island, the down under continent, where so many claim Irish heritage.

Generation Green showcases the voices of the latest Irish-Australian generation to reach adulthood, helping us explore and celebrate the profound links between the two countries. The ‘story so far’ nature of these young people’s experience illuminates the history of Irish migration to Australia in a personal way, and introduces us to the millennial and Gen Z descendants of those who crossed the world to make their home down under. The project is presented by the Consulate General of Ireland and funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs, Ireland.

Meet Generation Green, a richly varied group of young Australians whose Irish ancestry spans the colonial era, echoing across two centuries, to more recent waves of migration. They share tales of their future hopes and blood heritage, ranging from legendary distant relatives and proud Aboriginal connections, to parents who still speak with a brogue...