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Tax in Spain

Read more here about Spain’s tax system

The Spanish tax system is very complicated. If you are considered a resident in Spain or if you have any financial interests in Spain/abroad, your assets and income may be taxable under the Impuesto sobre la Renta de Personas Físicas IRPF during the tax year. There is a double taxation agreement between Ireland and Spain which was signed in 1994. Read more about income and property taxes in Spain on the Tax Agency website.

Taxes are levied by three tiers of government in Spain; central government, autonomous regional governments and local municipalities. Government taxes are administered by the Ministry of Economy and Taxation (Ministerio de Hacienda y Adminstraciones Públicas). However, it is advisable to obtain income tax advice before moving to Spain by consulting a tax adviser who is familiar with both the Spanish tax system and that of your previous country of residence.