SevilleIgnacio de la Oliva AgullóHonorary Consul of IrelandAvenida de Jerez Nº 21
Edificio Bayort
41013 – SevillaSpain Tel: +34 954 690 689Fax: +34 954 689 112E-mail:
Edificio Bayort
41013 – SevillaSpain Tel: +34 954 690 689Fax: +34 954 689 112E-mail:
Consulate Opening hours: 9.30am-1.30pm (Monday - Friday).
Closure dates of the Embassy and Honorary Consulates
If you require emergency assistance outside of these hours, please phone the Embassy on: +34914364093. You may be asked leave a message on the emergency answering service. The answering machine is monitored regularly, and the Duty Officer at the Embassy will contact you as soon as possible.
Local Contacts: