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Projekt “Global Greening” v Ljubljani – Tourism Ireland’s Global Greening project in Ljubljana

14.3. – 19.3.2016: Ljubljanski grad
19.3.2016: Slovenska filharmonija

Ljubljana Castle and the Slovenian Philharmonic Hall gone green for St. Patrick's Day - Author: Picasa

Veleposlaništvo Irske je Ljubljano zopet vključilo v projekt "Global Greening", v katerem irska agencija za turizem zeleno osvetli preko 180 svetovnih znamenitosti, med drugim tudi Ljubljanski grad in Slovensko Filharmonijo. Ker pa letos projekt sovpada s projektom »Ljubljana – Zelena prestolnica Evrope«, bo veleposlaništvo poskrbelo za osvetlitev gradu s posebnim irskim pridihom. V soboto 19.3., na dan koncerta, bomo ozelenili tudi stavbo Slovenske filharmonije.

The Embassy of Ireland has again included Ljubljana in the "Global Greening" project, in which Tourism Ireland lights world famous landmarks in green to celebrate St Patrick’s Day. This year’s greening will feature over 180 iconic landmarks, including Ljubljana Castle and the Slovenian Philharmonic Hall. Since this year the Greening coincides with the "Ljubljana - Green Capital of Europe" project, the Embassy will arrange for the castle to be greened with a distinctive Irish twist.