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Praznovanje z irsko glasbo – Celebration of Irish music

19.3.2016, 20:00
Slovenska filharmonija, Kongresni trg 10, Ljubljana

Join us on 19th March for performances by Fionnuala, Diarmaid and Donncha Moynihan, Noreia, Janez Dovč, Alexandra Verbitskaya, Eva Stražar, and the School of Irish Dancing.

Pridružite se nam na praznovanju z irsko glasbo, v soboto, 19.3., v Slovenski filharmoniji!

V počasititev dneva sv. Patrika veleposlaništvo gosti poseben koncert irske glasbe z irskimi in slovenskimi izvajalci, ki vam bodo pričarali čaroben večer. Nastopali bodo Fionnuala, Diarmaid in Donncha Moynihan, Noreia, Janez Dovč, Alexandra Verbitskaya, Eva Stražar in Šola irskega plesa.

Vstop prost. Vstopnice na voljo od 15.3. dalje na recepciji Slovenske filharmonije, Kongresni trg 10, vsak delavnik od 8:00 do 16:00, ter uro pred pričetkom prireditve na dan prireditve.

Join us on March 19th for a celebration of Irish music at the Slovene Philharmonic Hall!

To celebrate St Patrick’s Day the Embassy is organising a special concert of Irish music featuring both Irish and local artists in what is sure to be a very enjoyable evening. The concert will feature performances by Fionnuala, Diarmaid and Donncha Moynihan, Noreia, Janez Dovč, Alexandra Verbitskaya, Eva Stražar, and the School of Irish Dancing.

Entrance is free – tickets available from 15 March at the reception of the Slovene Philharmonic Hall (8am-4pm, Tues-Fri), and Saturday an hour before the start of the performance.