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Please be advised that the Embassy of Ireland, Norway website has moved and this page is no longer being updated. The Embassy website is now available at

Dundalk FC vs Rosenborg
Trondheim, 19 July 2017


Embassy of Ireland to Norway

Floor 6 Haakon VIls gt. 1

0244 Oslo

Tel: +47 2201 7200 (office hours 08:30-16:30)

If you need emergency assistance outside normal working hours, please dial the Embassy switchboard at +47 2201 7200. The mobile telephone number of the officer on duty will be available on the answering machine. Alternatively, you can contact the 24-hour duty officer in Dublin at +353 1 478 0822.

Follow us on Twitter at @IrlEmbOslo and @dfatravelwise

The Embassy congratulates Dundalk FC and looks forward to welcoming the team and supporters to Norway on 19 July. Trondheim is a safe city and most visits pass off without incident. However, if a problem occurs, the Embassy is available to assist, even though we will not be present in Trondheim on the day of the match. The following travel advice will help you to prepare for your trip and enjoy your visit to Norway.

Before you travel...
Ensure that your passport is valid for the duration of your stay in Norway. Under Norwegian law, you are required to have your passport when entering the country from Ireland or the UK. Apply here for a passport and apply here for a Passport Card if you are over 18 years of age.

• Download the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade TravelWise App, and set an alert for Norway to get security updates directly to your phone. The app is available free at the App Store or Google Play.

• Get comprehensive travel insurance that will cover all overseas medical costs, including medical evacuation.

• Get a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), free of charge, which entitles you to basic emergency medical treatment in EU countries. It is not a substitute for travel insurance.

Register with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade before travelling to Norway, which will help us contact you or your family in an emergency. This can be done easily online or through the TravelWise application.

When in Norway…

Keep a photocopy or a scan of your passport information page or passport card in case you lose them, and also give the details to family or friends.

Currency: Norway uses the kroner (€1 = approx. 9.55 NOK). Debit and credit cards are widely accepted but you should confirm before you order – some cafés, bars and restaurants are cash-only though this is quite rare. Norway is one of the most expensive countries in the world so ensure that you have sufficient funds before travelling to Trondheim.

Language: English is widely spoken in Norway and it is rare to meet someone without at least basic English.

Climate: The climate in Trondheim is generally similar to Ireland, though temperatures do sometimes reach the mid to high 20s in mid-summer. Keep an eye out on the weather forecast and if it looks to be a hot sunny day make sure to drink plenty of water and wear adequate sunscreen.

Local laws and security at the match…
• There will be a police presence for the match. Follow all instructions from police and security officials on the day. There will be security checks at the stadium so plan to arrive early.

Norwegian police normally operate in a similar manner to the Gardaí at home; if you are respectful, good natured and well behaved at sporting events they will reciprocate but any violence, aggression or similar anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated and can lead to arrests. Excessive public intoxication can lead to individuals being arrested for their own good.

If your property is stolen…
• Report the theft of your documents and/or property within 24 hours at a police station and obtain a police report. This may be needed for insurance purposes and must be presented to the Embassy if you need an emergency travel document (see below).

If your passport has been lost or stolen...
• Report the loss or theft at a police station and obtain a police report.

• The Embassy can issue an emergency travel certificate valid for one single journey back to Ireland. Please make an appointment with the Embassy in advance. You will require:

  • Two passport photographs (there is a photo booths in most Norwegian airports and central train stations) 
  • Your police report (or lost property report if your passport was lost) 
  • Any other form of ID that you are carrying 
  • Fee of NOK 300 
  • Proof of travel e.g. flight bookings 
  • If you are not travelling directly home, an emergency passport may be required for onward travel – please ask the Embassy for further details.

If you run out of money...
• If you find yourself without funds or access to funds, ask a family member or friend to transfer funds through a money transfer agent such as Western Union. Photo ID is required to receive transferred funds. If you have lost your ID, have funds transferred to a friend.


Emergency Numbers in Norway
Fire Brigade 110
Police 112
Ambulance 113
All services available in English

Consular Assistance
Embassy of Ireland: +47 2201 7200
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade:
+353 1 478 0822

Stay safe, and enjoy the match!