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2015 News & Events

May 2015

Message from President Higgins on occasion of 17th of May

15 May 2015

The People of Ireland join with me in conveying to Your Majesty, and to our friends, the people of Norway, our warmest greetings on the occasion of your National Day - Sammen med det irske folk vil jeg overbringe de varmeste hilsener til Deres Majestet og til våre venner, det norske folk, i anledning Nasjonaldagen.  

Thaddeus O’Sullivan film master-class and seminar

27/28 May 2015

The Embassy of Ireland and the Norwegian Film Institute are delighted to invite you to a film masterclass and seminar on 28 and 29 May with Thaddeus O’Sullivan, an award winning Irish director and cinematographer. The film masterclass, which is free of charge, will commence on 28 May at 18hrs at Cinemateket, Dronningens gate 16, 0105 Oslo and will involve a technical discussion of his early experimental work by Thaddeus O’Sullivan himself and Professor Lance Pettitt, Head of the School of Arts and Humanities at St Mary's University, Twickenham.

April 2015

“An Irish Evening” - Quilty live at the Bærum Kulturhus

18 April 2015

The Bærum choir “D’kor” with conductor Gideon Andersson has initiated a unique project exploring the treasures of traditional Irish folk music. Together with the renowned trio Quilty and eight other choirs from Bærum, Asker and Oslo – in all more than 200 singers – they invite the audience to a warm and captivating concert.

March 2015

Tom Crean: Antartic Explorer

17 March 2015

Det Andre Teatret, Torshov, Oslo.

After the success of last year's Irish Literature Festival, Irrgrønn Productions is delighted to bring the first of a season of Irish theatre to Oslo: Tom Crean: Antarctic Explorer, St. Patrick`s Night, March 17th, for one night only in Det Andre Teateret Torshov.

Mass for St Patrick's Day

17 March 2015

The Traditional Mass in honour of St Patrick will this year be held on St Patrick's Day, 17 March 2015, at 1800 in St Olav’s Cathedral, Akersveien 1, Oslo.

Bergen Irish Society St. Patrick's Day events

15-17 March 2015

On Sunday 15 March, the Bergen Irish Society will be hosting a Children’s Shamrock Hunt at 14:30 at TGI Fridays in Bergen, followed by a dinner in the restaurant. Mass at St. Paul’s Church will follow at 18 hrs.

St. Patrick's Day Parade - Oslo

14 March 2015

The Norwegian Irish Society St Patrick's Day Parade ill take place on Saturday the 14th March. All are welcome and the organisers would urge everyone to wear green to mark the day!

Playboy of the Western World - Baerum Kulturehus

The Baerum Kulturehus will play host to a Norwegian version of the Irish classic Playboy of the Western World by John Millington Synge from 13 to 20 March at 19hrs each evening

13-20 March 2015

The Baerum Kulturehus will play host to a Norwegian version of the Irish classic Playboy of the Western World by John Millington Synge from 13 to 20 Match at 19hrs each evening. Tickets are available here.