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St. Patrick's Day

Every year, all over the world, there are great celebrations of all things Irish on our National Day 17th March - St. Patrick’s Day, and the period surrounding it. The Embassy takes this opportunity to promote Ireland in Malaysia.

St. Patrick’s Day is a global celebration of what it means to be Irish; the spirit, the determination, the creativity and that indefinable something that makes us who we are. Ireland is capable of great things and every year, our embassies and Consulates use St. Patrick’s Day to show the world just what we can do.

One of our great strengths as a country is our people. During the St. Patrick's Day period, visits abroad by the Taoiseach and Government Ministers promote awareness and confidence in Ireland's economic recovery, and showcase what we have to offer as a nation.

We celebrate our rich culture and heritage and we’re proud of its influence on world literature, art and music. St. Patrick’s Day is a great chance for us to share our culture with others, especially where there is less awareness of Ireland.

St. Patrick's Day is a great time for Ireland to engage with and thank long-standing partners, friends, voluntary and community organisations and Irish communities around the world.