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Lost or Stolen Passports

What to do if you have lost your most recent passport or had it stolen.

The Passport Office, in accordance with EU regulations in relation to reported lost or stolen passports, is now advising international authorities, through Interpol, of all passports reported to the Passport Office as having been lost or stolen.

Any passport that is reported as lost or stolen is no longer a valid travel document.

If it is recovered, it should be returned to the Passport Office for cancellation. Care should be taken to avoid its use for travel purposes.

If you lose your passport, or if it is stolen, you should immediately report the loss to the Passport Office or your nearest Irish Embassy or Consulate. You will be asked to confirm this in writing, or if you are applying for a new passport to include the details along with your passport application.

To obtain a new passport you should complete a passport application form [APS1 if resident in the State, APS2 if resident elsewhere]. This should be witnessed by a member of An Garda Síochána if you are resident in the State or by one of the eligible witnesses listed on the APS2 form if you live elsewhere. The application form includes a section [Section 6 - Statement of Loss] to enable you to provide details or the circumstances of the loss of the passport. You should provide a full explanation of the circumstances.

When applying for your new passport you must resubmit your documents showing your proof of citizenship as if you were applying for the first time, please refer to First time adult applicants/Lost and stolen passports for requirements.

If you have a poor passport record, ie have lost two or more passports, it is likely that only very limited passport facilities will be given for specific travel purposes. On each occasion on which a passport is issued, even when this is a limited validity passport, the full passport fee will be payable.

Remember: Your passport is a valuable document so keep it in a safe place while you are at home and look after it carefully when you are travelling.