Welcome to the website of the Irish Embassy in Copenhagen.
The website provides details about the Embassy, our team, our work and our services, as well as news about events and information about Irish passports. I hope that you will find it useful.
Relations between Ireland and Denmark go back many centuries, including to Viking times, and we share many similarities. As small, northern European countries, with strong democracies, we are both open and outward-looking. We both want to develop relationships with like-minded partners across the globe, to cooperate in securing positive and mutually beneficial outcomes.
The Embassy’s core objective is to strengthen the already excellent relations which exist between our two countries and peoples, and to support Irish citizens living in Denmark.
2023 is a significant year for Ireland, marking one hundred years as an active member of the international community in the promotion of democracy, peace and security, and also fifty years as a member of the European Union. Ireland and Denmark joined the European Union (then EEC) together in 1973, and our membership since then has helped to significantly deepen our interactions and partnerships across a wide range of key issues. Our two countries also work closely together in many multilateral organisations, including the United Nations, which is at the core of our foreign policy.
Economic links between Ireland and Denmark continue to prosper, with bilateral trade growing significantly in recent years across a range of sectors. The team at the Embassy works in close cooperation with Enterprise Ireland, Tourism Ireland, Bord Bia and IDA Ireland to consistently explore and develop new opportunities for Irish and Danish trade.
We would ask anyone with an interest in further developing the relationship between Ireland and Denmark, particularly in the area of cultural, economic, and societal links, to contact the Embassy to see how we can best assist.
For Irish citizens living in Denmark, or anyone here with an interest in Ireland, we regularly post details of upcoming events on our Twitter @IrlEmbDenmark and Facebook pages, and you can sign up for our mailing list here.
Le gach dea-ghuí / with best wishes,
Elizabeth McCullough, Ambassador